Oral Health


Who We Are

Keeping Your Smile Healthy. Oral health affects our ability to eat, smile, and speak. Early intervention and prevention reduces costlier (and sometimes painful) procedures in the future.

Oral Health is Important to Overall Health. Poor oral health is linked to poor school performance, self-esteem, heart disease, and diabetes. Regular cleanings and exams are important to identify and correct issues early. Baby teeth may fall out, but their health impacts the health of the permanent adult teeth that grow in later.

What we do

Early Intervention and Prevention. Regular (at least annual) check-ups are recommended as soon as the first tooth erupts. Dentists will diagnose, prevent, and treat oral health issues and can provide advice on how to maintain good oral health.

More Than Teeth. Dental professionals will assess the overall health of the mouth, not just of teeth but also the gums, tongue, jaw and other parts of your mouth.

How to access services

Access to Oral Health Services Depend on the Insurance Plan. Oral health is provided through dental insurance or clinics that provide free or low-cost services to uninsured.

To understand how to access services, it is essential to understand the insurance plan. If you have a preferred dentist, call your dental plan and ask if the dentist is in your dental plan’s network. If they are not, consider changing dentists to one that is in your dental plan’s network so you are not billed for out-of-network services.  

If you need help finding a dentist, call your dental plan. They will be happy to help you find a dentist in your area. They can also answer questions about covered services as costs (covered services through OHP are free of charge).

Dental appointments are often scheduled several months out. If the child is experiencing pain or has a serious issue, be sure to explain that specifically when making the appointment so the scheduler understands the urgency and can get the child in sooner.

How to coordinate with us

To understand OHP dental benefits, visit: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/HSD/OHP/Pages/New-OHP.aspx.

Health Share (OHP) members have one of the following dental insurance plans:

If uninsured, locate a community health dental clinic. Community Health Clinics offer a sliding fee scale based on income for those without insurance, and a sliding fee discount for those with insurance who have difficulty making payment. Insurance enrollment assistance is also available if needed. Regardless of insurance status or income, Community Health Clinics will work with you to ensure you receive the care you need:

If privately insured, call the dental insurance company to inquire about coverage limits, providers, and costs.

If you encounter issues with navigating OHP dental services, call Dental3 for assistance: 503-521-7166.